Rosario + Vampire Wiki

Long before the events of Rosario + Vampire, there was a very powerful vampire named Shinso. Those who inherit his power by absorbing his blood are given the title of "Shinso". One Shinso is Alucard, the oldest existing vampire, who tried to take over the world and destroyed an entire continent in seven days. Alucard was stopped and sealed away by the Shinso Akasha and her two companions, who became known as the "Three Great Dark Lords".

Following Alucard's defeat, his body was hidden and has been watched over by the Three Dark Lords. Akasha's identity seems to be a closely kept secret to ensure her safety and to prevent the birth of another Shinso like Alucard. In Chapter 32 Season 2, a younger Moka awakens her Shinso power, which seems to awaken Alucard as well. In Chapter 66.4 Season 2, Tsukune & Moka transform into a fully fledged Shinso Vampires (with Tsukune abandoning his humanity in the process, and Moka regaining her Shinso power after it was sealed by Akasha), and remain as the last two known Shinsos in existence following the suicide of Akasha & Alucard (Although Kahlua was resurrected by a blood injection from Miyabi Fujisaki, Alucard's clone, it is debatable if the injection was just enough to revive her or enough to make her into a Shinso as well).

Powers and Abilities[]

Shinso Vampires possess a terrifying and immense aura that has been described as "darkness darker than the night sky", and incredible speed and strength on a level much greater than average S-class vampires. They also have immense healing abilities beyond that of other vampires; in one case Akasha Bloodriver was able to recover after having been cut in half at the waist by Akua Shuzen.

According to Touhou Fuhai, a vampire needs to absorb a fatal amount of blood from a Shinso to gain their power and become the next Shinso (which if consistent with real life, would mean that they would require more than 40% of the donor's blood). However, as seen with Moka when she was a baby, if the vampire is small enough, then a new Shinso can be created without taking too much blood from the donor. Also, as was the case of Tsukune, it can be done without the fatal amount if the recipient receives multiple blood transfusions over time instead as any lingering amount of vampiric blood within them will eventually accumulate to the necessary amount needed to create a new Shinso vampire.

A vampire's other base abilities (strength, speed, reflexes, etc.) are increased as is their potential for learning a new or previously "lost" set of powers. Moka and Tsukune became competent enough to grow wings for flight using the Wealth of Power after both evolved into their Shinso forms, despite neither having used that ability before in a conscious manner (although this can be said to be more instinctual, as Tsukune's Jet Black form grew the same kind of wings using Wealth of Power. It can also be argued that the presence of wings are more cosmetical if anything, as Miyabi Fujisaki shows zero qualms with flying in midair through pure levitation). Their strength is also increased to the point that they were able to punch a hole in Alucard's giant monster form simply by flying through him.

Shinso Vampires have a unique ability called "Blood Link" which allows them to sense when another Shinso is in emotional stress. Moka Akashiya and Tsukune Aono are shown to have this ability due to having the same Shinso blood inside them.

A Shinso Vampire is also capable of absorbing other monsters, as seen is the case with Alucard who absorbed enough Yōkai to turn into a sky-scraper sized kaiju, but lost his intelligence in the process.

Miyabi Fujisaki (Alucard) was also shown to be capable of levitation.

Shinso's are often referred to as immortal due to their immense healing factors. They appear to be ageless and will heal from any injury so long as they have enough blood in them.

Shinso Vampires possess a unique ability known as "Creation", mixing Yōki into one's own blood and controlling it at will. They can transform this into an explosive substance to reduce an opponent to fragments (which is powerful enough to annihilate Alucard's form with a few punches, brute-forcing through his regeneration, whereas something like the Hougetsu Jigen-Tou could not), or encase themselves in a suit of armor. The other applications of this ability are unknown, although with the description of it being matter creation, it is implied to have a variety of applications making it exceptionally powerful in the right hands.

Known Shinso Vampires[]

Possible Shinso Vampires[]


  • Shinso Vampires are also called "Alpha Vampires", as in addition to being immortal, they have undying bodies and cannot be killed as easily as other Vampires.
  • Tsukune's hair becomes silver during the fight with Alucard, but reverts to the reddish-brown color it normally becomes when he becomes vampiric. This suggests that silver hair is a sign of a Shinso using their powers at full strength; however, Moka's hair is normally silver, though it may be a result of her mother giving her too much Shinso Vampire blood, In the epilogue it appear that Moka hair is starting to turn pale pink indicating that she has now become a "stable" Shinso
  • Shinso power can be sealed away with a special rosary. Moka first unlocked her Shinso power when she was ten, then to prevent the awakening of Alucard her mother designed a special seal that not only suppressed her vampire strength as long as she was wearing it, but also seemed to suppress her Shinso power even when she wasn't. Moka unlocked her full power again after the rosary was destroyed (and she received transfusion from Tsukune's Shinso blood, thus healing her damaged body).
  • In Chapter 67 Extra II, it's revealed that Miyabi (Alucard's clone) injected his blood into Kahlua to save her life, however the epilogue only says she made a miraculous recovery. It is also unknown how much Shinso blood Miyabi gave her, whether it was enough to just heal her or empower her like Moka in which case she may not actually be a Shinso. If she has become a Shinso, it is unknown if Kahlua has unlocked her power by the end of the series since it was given to her after she died.