Rosario + Vampire Wiki
Moka Akashiya
Kana 赤夜 萌香
Romaji Akashiya Moka
Alias Mokami Akashiya (赤司夜 萌香美), Muke Akashiya (赤司夜 むけ)
Manga Rosario + Vampire Volume 001
Anime Rosario + Vampire Episode 01
Game Rosario + Vampire: Tanabata's Miss Yokai Academy
Birthday May 8
Gender Female
Height 166 cm (5'5")
Weight 47 kg (104 lb)
Blood type B
Three sizes B86(C-cup)-W56-H86 (Outer Moka)
B90(D-cup)-W58-H88 (Inner Moka)
Status Alive
Race Shinso Vampiress
Hair Color Silver (Inner)
Pink (Outer)
Eye Color Red (Inner)
Green (Outer)
Technique Kicking
Equipment Rosario Cross (formerly)
Personal Status
Relatives Issa Shuzen (Father)
Akasha Bloodriver (Mother)
Kokoa Shuzen (Half-Sister)
Akua Shuzen (Half-Sister)
Kahlua Shuzen (Half- Sister)
Gyokuro Shuzen (Step-mother)
Affiliations Shuzen Family
Newspaper Club
Yōkai Academy
Class 3rd year Yōkai Academy
Voice Actor Japanese: Nana Mizuki
English: Alexis Tipton (Outer)
English: Colleen Clinkenbeard (Inner)

Moka Akashiya (赤夜 萌香, Akashiya Moka) is the main female protagonist. She is a Vampiress in Yōkai Academy and the first person Tsukune Aono meets when he sets foot in the Yōkai realm. Moka takes a liking to Tsukune, initially because of the taste of his blood (something she very quickly becomes addicted to), but later when he tries to protect her from the Outcast Ayashi, Saizou Komiya. When the Rosario Cross around her neck is removed, the seal keeping her inner nature is released. Cold and arrogant, the Inner Moka is a completely different entity from the kind and loving Moka, going so far as to specifically remind Tsukune to "be kind to the other Moka". Tsukune is the only one able to remove the Rosario Cross around Moka's neck.

Her name is a pun on the word "mocha", as well as reflecting her split personalities, as mocha is a combination of coffee (which represents Inner Moka) and cocoa (which represent Outer Moka). It is revealed that Outer Moka is a personality made by the sealing ceremony of the Rosario and Inner Moka is closest to the original Moka, which is save for repressed memories. Furthermore, Akasha Bloodriver has told Inner Moka that the only person who can remove the Rosario is someone who means her no harm and loves her; in this case that person is Tsukune.

Inner Moka (or Ura Moka) is Moka's inner-self and polar opposite who is also very prideful, which is revealed when after Tsukune removes Moka's Rosario Cross. She also becomes delighted with Tsukune's blood and early on states that it is the main reason why she bothers to save him whenever he is attacked in the first place. However, as time goes on, she comes to genuinely respect Tsukune's growing courage and gentle heart, especially after he risks his life several times in order to pull off the rosary to free her when the both of them are in danger. His gentle and caring nature slowly begin to wear down on Inner's cold demeanor, not only towards him, but to Yukari Sendo, Kurumu Kurono, and Mizore Shirayuki, as she begins to accept the girls as friends despite their mutual 'rivalry' for Tsukune. It is later revealed that Inner Moka is actually Moka's true personality.

'Outer Moka' is actually a personality created by the power of the rosary, which somewhat suppresses the powerful vampiress blood within her. Despite this, 'Inner Moka' shows an incredible amount of concern for Outer Moka that mirrors a 'sisterly bond' at times. She's determined to protect whatever 'Outer Moka' holds dear, especially Tsukune. She respects and treats 'Outer Moka' as she was her own sister and will berate her if she doesn't do what she is supposed to do i.e. doing homework, eating properly, taking a shower before going to bed etc.


Moka is noted to be one of the most beautiful students at Yōkai Academy that her natural good looks get the attention of all the males in the Academy (as well as problems with a few of the females including Kurumu Kurono) and a running gag shows that several characters try to win her over and make her their girlfriend. However, she states that she only wants Tsukune Aono due to his kindness and the bravery he showed her.

When she goes to school, she wears the Yōkai school uniform, but she does not wear the collar tucked in or the bow tie as she needs to make room to fit the Rosario choker-collar holder and her Rosario attached to it. She sometimes carries a brown suitcase for the Newspaper Club.


Because Moka "transforms", her appearance differs slightly depending on her current form where both the Outer Moka and Inner Moka are noted to be extremely beautiful constantly by males as all the male students in the school are attracted to her.

Outer Form[]

Moka’s "Outer" form is a tall fair-skinned girl with knee-length pink hair that has bangs swept to the right side, green eyes, full pink lips and a cute girl-next-door face. As a vampire, Moka has pronounced fangs that allow her to drink blood and her expressions are much softer in this form. This form always has her trademark Rosary attached to a black choker since it is what causes this personality to surface. Later in the story, it is revealed that this Moka bears a great resemblance to Akasha Bloodriver; the same hair color, eye color and general soft demeanor that is because the Outer Moka is actually Akasha, which is meant to protect Moka as she grew up.

Inner Form[]

Once Moka's Rosario Cross is removed, she transforms into her "Inner" form where she retains the same hairstyle and hair length, but it is in a silver color instead, her eyes are much more demonic as they have red irises with slit pupils and her expressions are much more stern, serious and sometimes cocky and her vampire fangs have also become much more pronounced. In the anime, Inner Moka's breasts and buttocks grow considerably larger that they are too big for her school uniform. Her shirt exposes a small portion of cleavage while her skirt allows a healthy amount of her bottom to slip out and she also becomes slightly taller than the Outer Moka. It is later revealed that the Inner form is Moka's true form and appeared more like this form ever since she was a young child.

After Moka received Tsukune Aono's blood to save her from dying and help from their friends to stabilize their powers as a Shinso, Moka can use the "Creation" ability to alter her appearance, in her case she can generate in the same steel armor and pauldron like coverings as Tsukune. The armor like coverings clad her legs to just above her knees like long leg boots, and the arms are also clad in long sleeve like armor with shoulder pauldrons, while at the same time she can use the "Wealth of Power" ability to grow bat-like wings protruding from her upper back, but smaller ones than Tsukune.

At the end of the story, Moka no longer has her rosary, but she still continues to wear her choker and her overall demeanor has become much softer (just like the Outer Moka's personality). In Vol. 13 Ch. 67 of Rosario to Vampire Season 2, Tsukune notes that the tip of her hair now has a pale tinge of pink, which indicates that the two souls of Moka have merged together.


Moka is a very kind, loving, sweet, soft-spoken, polite, nervous and friendly girl towards others who possesses a bit of naivete that draws her into problematic situations, even though she is good-natured. While initially hateful and distrustful towards humans, she eventually grows to care for the only human on campus, Tsukune Aono.

Her bond with him grows stronger over time, to the point where he begins allowing her to drink his blood without protest, just so she remains healthy. When it appears in the story that Tsukune will be expelled, Moka states she'd rather drop out and go with him, because she cannot bear the thought of being separated. She is also good friends with Kurumu Kurono, who considers herself and Moka "best friends" despite their rivalry for Tsukune's affection.

In the beginning, Moka had an attraction towards Tsukune due to how delicious his blood is and would constantly ask if she could drink it. However, when Tsukune becomes tired from her always drinking it, she becomes worried over his condition and tries her best not to hurt him. However, when Tsukune allows her to drink it for her health, she hugs him and thanks him for it. The more time she spends around Tsukune, the more her feelings toward him grow.

Whenever Tsukune tries to make her happy or willingly allows her to suck his blood for her health and happiness, she blushes and is very happy around him. When others mention how close the two are and if she has feelings for him, she blushes and is very bashful around him. Whenever she has the courage to ask him out on a date, she fidgets, and slightly stutters with him. When Tsukune's mother mentions how much Tsukune talks about her and likes her, she hugs him and even tries to kiss him. Eventually, her feelings develop into love. In a number of instances in the manga, she says directly to Tsukune that she loves him [Chapter 6 (during Tsukune's birthday); Chapter 11 (where she says that she loves him even if he will hate her).

She is very defensive of Tsukune due to him being only human, and wants to protect him so she can be with him. Moka even admits that she wishes to be with him. There is a running gag that whenever Moka gets close to Tsukune and looks as if the two are about to kiss, she bites his neck to suck his blood. However, she has more than once actually wanted to kiss him, but she is always interrupted by the others in the craziest of ways.

Prior to the Inner Moka being sealed by the rosary, she and her sister Kokoa Shuzen had a rivalry in childhood. Kokoa became distressed when her beloved sister was sealed away and she spent the next few years chasing Outer Moka, wanting to kill her and get her sister back. While Inner Moka loves Kokoa as a sibling, she finds her "too clingy." Outer Moka dislikes Kokoa's penchant for attacking her constantly in order to force out her other personality; until Tsukune appeared in her life she was never able to remove the rosary and fight back.

When it comes to the Outer Moka, the Inner version is deeply close towards her as the two have a very strong bond who watch each others' backs. They share a lot in common (due to them being in each others' bodies). Inner tends to make sure that she eats, bathes and does her homework as usual and looks out for her well-being. Outer is the only person, aside from Tsukune, that she can open to, such as her worries over events and how the two feel about their love for Tsukune. According to Tsukune, he cares for both of them the same and hopes that one day inner and outer Moka can become one together. (Which happens in epilogue).

Inner Form[]

Her vampiric nature also emerges when she is unsealed. Stern and reserved, she is highly aristocratic and arrogant, looking down upon all manner of yōkai for their audacity to challenge her. She normally punishes the monsters who dare pick on Tsukune for various reasons and depending on how they treated Outer, she'd even attempt to maim them. Her pride of being a noble vampiress is very apparent in how she deals with everything. She is very strong for a girl opposed, to her girly counterpart. In all accounts, she is a completely different from Outer Moka. She also possesses plenty of knowledge of the other classical types of monsters that attend Yōkai Academy.

Despite her nature as a vampiress, she does not truly wish to kill anyone and is very merciful in fights. Even when unsealed, Inner Moka holds back to prevent herself from killing people. However, as a little girl Inner Moka was cheery and sociable - the traumatic events of her past and being sealed inside the rosary caused her to adopt a frosty attitude towards others.

This facade of superiority deteriorates throughout the course of the series, as her friendships with the other girls flourishes and her growing love for Tsukune deepens. When Tsukune began to deteriorate due to the repeated injections of Moka's blood, Inner attempted to have Tsukune leave Monster Academy, saying that she wouldn't be affected and couldn't care less. However, when Tsukune insists that Inner Moka is just as important to him as Outer Moka, Inner Moka distresses over Tsukune's condition and admits that she was only pushing him away because she didn't want him to die.

Ultimately, Tsukune succumbed to her blood, and Inner Moka was forced to fight a monstrous version of him. Although she attempted to be strong, Kurumu could tell Inner Moka was in distress and was faking her composure. In fighting the Ghoul, Inner Moka admitted that she would have wanted to keep Tsukune alive, but felt obligated to kill him for his sake, and broke into tears as she screamed his name when she came close to landing a killing blow. Fortunately, Tsukune was saved, but this moment of weakness revealed Inner Moka's true feelings about Tsukune and how much she had come to love him and care for her friends.

Afterwards she and Outer Moka were sad over Tsukune's condition and Inner Moka blamed herself for hurting him, once again attempting to separate herself from Tsukune out of the belief she would only cause him pain. Throughout both seasons, Inner Moka tries to justify herself as a mechanism to protect her friends: by keeping distance between her and her friends even if she is the only one who suffers, not accepted and hated. Inner Moka's true intentions throughout the series was to protect Tsukune and thinks that she is only needed for fighting. As such, she wanted to stay as "Inner Moka" so she doesn't become weaker, one of the two reasons she was in a hurry to fix her seal only for "Outer" Moka to try to convince her otherwise, the two working together and filling each other's gaps.

Inner Moka tended to be slightly amused at Tsukune's attempts to assist her despite him being a 'mere human'. She claimed her personal interest in protecting him was due to his apparently tasty human blood, the primary source of nourishment for her body, but also to keep the sealed Moka happy. Even so, as Inner, she has never drank Tsukune's blood in the manga, leaving that task to Outer. Over the course of the series, Inner Moka begins to take her relationship with Tsukune more seriously, and is more aggressive whenever she appears on behalf of Tsukune, becoming angry when he is injured trying to protect her or Outer Moka. She even saves him a few times from blows that might have killed him at the cost of personal injury to herself. When Tsukune is horribly burnt trying to protect Outer Moka from Kuyō's supernatural flame, it was that time she actually threatened the life of a fellow student if her gambit at reviving him should fail. In the anime, this is shown when she forcibly bypasses the rosary's sealing power to strike back at Ruby who had mercilessly attacked Tsukune from behind.

Later on, during the rare moments when she was not fighting, Inner is actually quite a normal girl to be around, despite her high upbringing. She is best described as very tomboyish, being prone to using violent or brash methods to get her point across. She is very smart, having been compared as slightly lower than the genius-level Yukari (solving complex math formulas and being bilingual with English as her 2nd language). Despite being very tomboyish most of the time, she can be quite feminine. She likes shopping for clothes and adores cute stuffed animals. She is also a bit of a tease, quite willing to show off her legs, but will allow nothing above 'holding of hands' at this point. She blames not being out nearly long enough to have any sort of practice in it. In the anime, Inner is a bit more socially awkward as well being obsessed with anything martial arts-related.

Throughout the series, she comes to genuinely respect Tsukune's growing courage and gentle heart, especially after he risks his life several times in order to pull the rosary to free her when the both of them are in danger. His gentle and caring nature slowly begin to wear down on Inner's prideful and arrogant exterior, helping her form bonds with the rest of the group. She has noted that the more time she spends out in the world and around Tsukune, the softer she becomes and the more dependent she is on Tsukune and everyone else. Throughout both seasons Inner Moka began to invest more and more into her relationship with Tsukune as her feelings develop from friendship to love. Her protective nature becomes so intense that Inner Moka beings to retaliate without warning, like the time where she lashed out at Midou for insulting Tsukune in public. She also does unprecedented things like shielding Tsukune at her own expense and injecting him with her blood, even though she was aware of what it could do to him. These emotional developments come to fruition in Season II, where Inner Moka has changed tremendously in how she thinks of Tsukune and her emotions now blatantly express her love for him. Physical contact is embarrassing to her, although she typically hides it well, there are instances where her composure falters, like in chapter 16 when Tsukune suddenly embraces her. Her possessive nature of Tsukune grows to the point where she takes a role in the romantic competition, where she vehemently rejects the idea of polygamy along with Tsukune; and when Kurumu says that this was because she (Inner Moka) wants Tsukune to be hers alone, she blushes and quickly lashes out in embarrassment (Chapter 26, Rosario Vampire 23).

Although Inner Moka is much more open and visibly smitten whenever she thinks about Tsukune, Inner Moka worries about her emotional evolution because she is starting to act like the Outer Moka and fears that she is losing her edge because of this, losing her proficiency to protect (and as a result, be with) Tsukune. Her love for Tsukune progresses mostly throughout Fairy Tale part of the series, where she opens her heart to him upon their reunion, and when she heavily worries for him during his transformation to a ghoul exhibiting emotional distress, where she cries and later begs for him not to turn into one throughout his crisis.

When it comes to the Outer Moka, Inner is deeply close towards her, even though she's a fake personality. The two have a very strong bond and act almost like sisters who watch each other's backs. They both share a lot in common (due to them being in each others bodies). Inner tends to make sure that she eats, bathes and does her homework as usual and looks out for her well-being. Outer is the only person, aside from Tsukune, that she can open to, such as her worries over events and how the two feel about their love for Tsukune. According to Tsukune, he cares for both of them the same and hopes that one day Inner and Outer Moka can become one together.

Issa elaborates that Outer Moka had never left, and that her personality and experiences were a part of Inner Moka and her soul, and as a result Inner Moka is bright and cheerful as her outer form. With this differentiation between Inner and Outer become pointless as Moka is finally free to be herself and openly love and protect Tsukune.


  • Rosario Cross (formerly): Moka's rosary cross is made of silver, but her touching it doesn't give her pain, rather, it disrupts her yōkai, causing her to become weak. It was created by Akasha Bloodriver (Moka's mother) to protect her from Alucard's blood.


  • Lack of Blood: Due to Moka's strength originating from her blood, if she loses it by injecting it to another or deprived of it her overall power significantly decreases.
  • Water: Moka's greatest weakness (and the one of any vampiress in general) is water. Due to its purifying properties, it has an adverse effect on her body, causing painful shocks and rendering her virtually immobile. However, it is possible to negate the weakening and harmful effects by adding certain herbs to the water (as seen when she makes breakfast for Tsukune Aono or when she takes a bath).


  • "Tsukune"
  • "Mother"
  • (Inner Moka) Know your place!
  • (Inner Moka) No matter who's the opponent, if they dare to bare their fangs at me, that person will only end up with broken fangs. Even if you are my sister, I will not hold back. Think about where you stand! (In Anime, unknown if within the Manga)
  • (Outer Moka) Please Tsukune! I wanna suck your blood!
  • (Outer Moka) I've always been alone. I went to a human school up until junior high, but when I was around them, I felt like I would be better off just not existing... It was always so, so painful. But having met you, Tsukune... I don't feel so alone anymore.
  • "Capu~Chuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu..." (Whenever she drinks Tsukune's blood)
  • (Inner Moka) "Now that we've switched places, I realized... As I thought, I have to be the "inner" one. After awakening, as I'm around Tsukune and the others, more and more, I get careless, I lose the will to fight, and I'm turning into a normal woman. If I'm not sealed, I get weaker and weaker, and I'm scared of that happening..."
  • (Inner Moka) "My mother left me all of a sudden when I was small. And she even destroyed her photos and diaries... Everything that was connected to her... In the end, all my mother left me was this rosary seal. So that's why I want to protect this seal. Even if it costs me my freedom."
  • (Outer Moka) "I'm scared... I don't know what I am. And when I try to think about it, my heart is completely blank... Help me, someone. Someone, stay by my side..."
  • (Inner Moka) "Wait... Please wait...!... I know... I know full well that what you're saying isn't wrong... I'm only needed when it comes to fights, protecting him is the thing connecting Tsukune and me... Even so, I knew it didn't matter. I knew that I mustn't get closer. Because if I do, I'll definitely end up hurting them again. Which is why I'll stay alone. It doesn't matter if no one accepts me. As long as it means that I don't lose anyone else... I'm fine with being the only one who suffers."
  • (Inner Moka) "Am I... dreaming? When we first met, you were nothing more than a weak human. Weak... So weak that no matter how many times I protected you, many times you would be on the verge of death... I thought it meant that the day you would run away from me would definitely come sooner or later. That's what I thought, yet..."
  • (Inner Moka) "...I had no idea... I... was doing this to you all this time... I'm sorry, Tsukune...! So sorry... (Upon Tsukune's mutation)"
  • (Inner Moka) "Amazing, Tsukune...! You're really something...! You actually defeated Gyokuro-san! I never imagined you would become this strong!! But... nothing is over... you made a promise with my outer self. To "create a world where humans and monsters can coexist..." hasn't your path to achieving that only just begun? So don't die, Tsukune! You aren't allowed to die!!"
  • (Inner Moka) "My intention was to protect them... using my vampire powers, I would protect the frail human, Tsukune, I would protect my immature friends who were occupied with love... but I was wrong. All this time... they were the ones protecting me...! I didn't come all this way alone. I'm not fighting by myself. Which is why... I want to be stronger...!"
  • (Inner Moka) "...Enough. If you want mercy, ask my mother... (Upon Gyokuro's demise)"
  • (Inner Moka) "Wh-What are you trying to do, Tsukune? You went silent and started staring... Are you hitting on me? Bring it on!"


  • The name Moka means "bud, sprout" (萌) (mo) and "fragrance, fragrant" (香) (ka).
    • In Japanese, part of the name Mo (萌) means "moe" where it means "cute and adorable", which it is as also a slang or term for anime look.
      • It could allude to her 'dual' personality:
        • "Chocolate" (Outer Form - Sweet)
        • "Coffee" (Inner Form - Bitter)
    • The kanji "美" in her alias name Mokami means "beautiful".
  • Moka's surname Akashiya means "red" (赤) (akashi) and "night, evening" (夜) (ya).


  • Moka first unlocked her shinzo power when she was 10 seeing her sister Asuka attack her mother. However, to seal Alucard again, her mother placed the rosary on her which created the Outer Moka persona. The rosary hadn’t been removed for years until Tskune did in the manga and first episode of the anime as only someone who truly loves Moka could do so. But having been repressed for so long and due to the nature of the rosary Inner Moka was only able to use a part of her power. She unlocked her full power at the end of the series when the rosary was completely destroyed, she stopped trying to repress her power to keep Outer Moka from fading, and getting a blood transfusion from Tskune (who also had shinzo blood in him from her).
  • Forcefully removing the rosary causes Moka great pain.
  • There's a running gag that whenever Outer Moka gets close to Tsukune Aono and looks as if the two are about to kiss, she always bites his neck to suck his blood instead. However, she has more than once actually wanted to kiss him, but they are always interrupted by the others.
  • In the manga, with the tips of Moka's hair turning pale pink, this suggests Tsukune's hope that "Outer Moka" and "Inner Moka" becoming one is a future to look forward to.
  • Inner Moka is terrible at cooking while Outer Moka is good at cooking. It is unknown how she is now that the two personalities are merged.
  • In the Prototype One-Shot Season 1 Chapter 0, Moka had the ability to absorb people's vital energy by touch. This doesnt seem to be the case in the proper series.
    • Inner Moka is more a violent psycho than her canon reserved and annoyed self; enjoying with a slasher smile the chance to pummel others. If it wasn't for Tsukune forcibly re-sealing her, it would have end BADLY.
  • When Moka looks into Lilith's Mirror, the two Moka's both appear in separate bodies, even though the Outer Moka was said to be only a "fake" personality. However, this is in the anime only. In the manga, looking into Lilith's Mirror causes Inner Moka to be released, however, since the rosary was never removed, her powers remain locked away until Tsukune can physically remove it.
    • It may have been the anime that inspired the truth about the Rosario creating Outer Moka.
  • In an omake, it is implied that Moka can turn into a mouse and a bat, but she was unwilling to do so due to Shizuka Nekonome hearing about the former and her pride over her appearance.
  • By Gyokuro’s own account, Tskune and Moka’s power should be even more dangerous since their blood came from two shinzo’s rather than just one (Akasha and Alucard).
  • While normally portrayed as having immense strength Inner/Unsealed Moka's strength tends to fluctuate throughout the series. Often times she can knock away most non-vampire monsters with a single kick, other times she is able to be restrained by human mooks. It is possible that this is the result of her shinso powers having not been stabilized at the time and Moka having been born very weak and on the verge of death. This is presumably no longer the case now that she's a stabilized shinso.
    • For some reason Moka couldn’t lift Kokoa’s transformer bat when she was 10 despite Kokoa being able to carry it easily. Although in chapter 8 of Capu 2 a temporarily de-aged Outer Moka (who is weaker than the unsealed Moka) was able to wield the bat just as easily so it may have just been a continuity error or since this event was only seen in a memory within the rosarie (which can be altered), she may have remembered wrong/exaggerated. Or she could have simply been weakened at the moment from the reasoning above. Given that Kou was narrowing his eyes at Moka at the time, it is also possible that Kou somehow made himself feel heavier to Moka so she would give her back to Kokoa as Moka also commented that Kou was already attached to Kokoa.
  • Moka was born on May 8th.[1]
  • Moka's blood type is B.
  • Moka and Akasha Bloodriver are the only Shuzen Family members to not have the surname Shuzen.[2]
  • It is highly possible that Moka’s power may reach the same level as her mother.
  • According the the official guidebook, both she and her sister Kokoa possess the physical strength of Basivaiah, the Great Demon of Power, though Moka is still the better of the two.


  1. Moka's Profile Bio Stats on Blog99
  2. Moka's last name "Akashiya" being an anagram of ayakashi and departs from the surname Shuzen; for Akasha, her name is Bloodriver because she is vampire so she drinks blood.

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