Season One[]
Freshman Year Arc (Chapter 1-7)[]
Unbelievably average student Tsukune Aono enrolls in Yokai Academy, due to failing all his entrance exams. He quickly befriends the beautiful Moka Akashiya, who he discovers is a vampire attracted to the sweet taste of his blood; his is O Negative, a rare type. Adding to his shock, Tsukune discovers the school is for monsters to learn how to live in peace with humanity by disguising themselves as people. Once Moka learns of Tsukune's true identity, both decide it doesn't matter what they are as both wish to be friends. During a scuffle with troublemaker Saizo Kamiya, Tsukune also learns that the rosario Moka wears seals another, more cold and combative personality; the rosario seal would then only be unlocked in dire situations. Despite the fact Yokai's rules state that any human who sees the school is to be slain, to maintain utter secrecy about monsters, Tsukune decides to stay due to his infatuation with Moka.
Over the passing days, Tsukune and Moka make more friends in Kurumu Kurono (a succubus who originally planned to turn the boys into her own harem), Yukari Sendo (a lonely, genius witch who pulled pranks against students predujice towards her) and Ginei Morioka (a werewolf who tried to pursue Moka by framing Tsukune as a peeping tom to break them up), joining the Newspaper Club with them. They also defeated Lizardmen that hated Yukari, and Mermaids trying to suck the life-force out boys.
With his birthday drawing near, Tsukune wanted to ask Moka out to confess his feelings for her. However, Moka has promised to model for the art teacher, Hitomi Ishigami, and the rest of their friends showed up at the most inconvenient times. At the same time, female students had been disappearing from the school; Tsukune came across a crying statue in Ishigami's classroom, later discovering it resembled the latest missing girl. Ishigami was a gorgon obsessed with turning beautiful girls to stone to preserve their beauty as art. Tsukune managed to rescue Moka from this fate, but fell vitcim himself. Moka landed a powerful blow to Ishigami's head, breaking the spell and cracking the deranged art teacher's head open. Tsukune awoke on his birthday, but was unable to confess his feelings to Moka as the rest of the News Club arrived to celebrate with him.
Kurumu later rescues the draft for the July edition of the newspaper from a slug monster that tried to blackmail her into taking embaressing cosplay photos. The experience showed how deep the bond between them all is, as everyone forgave Kurumu once they learned the reason she was skipping club activities.
Security Committee Arc (Chapter 8-12)[]
Upon handing out the newspaper, the club is confronted by the Security Committee, who trash their papers for not paying a bribe to them (or as they would call it "ask permission"). Gin orders the papers burned to show they are compliant, but Kurumu refuses to do so as it's a symbol of their friendship, and all the hard work would have been for nothing. This prompts Keito of the Security Committee to attack them, believing that the Committee has the right to destroy clubs that they deem troublesome to the school. The previous year's News Club tried to expose the Committee's corruption through the power of the press; however, they were badly beaten and resigned out of fear. The sole remaining member, Gin vowed to never lose anymore clubmates; thus why he ordered the group to burn the papers. Tsukune suffers a slash wound to his back from Keito, causing Inner Moka to pummel her in retaliation. Yukari gives him some enchanted ointment to help heal it, but notices that his wound is healing slowly as a human's would.
News of Keito's defeat angers Kuyo, the megalomaniac leader of the Security Committee. Without a proper reason (that the faculty would believe) to go after the News Club. Kuyo's hands are tied; however, Ishigami returns and infroms him that Tsukune is human. The Security Committee captures Moka, for attacking Keito, and Tsukune, when he tries stopping them, revealing the suspicion that he's human. They're lead to a dungeon where the Committee keeps students that crossed them locked up; Kuyo pummels Tsukune to see if he'll transform, but Ishigami stops him. When her hair bit him in their last encounter, she recognized the taste of human flesh; she wants to kill him to avenge her honor. However, Kurumu and Yukari decide that it doesn't matter if Tsukune's human, arriving just in time to stop Kuyo's attack. Moka and Tsukune are moved by this, seeing that the friendship shared between them is a first step to true coexistence.
Though Kurumu's illusions and Yukari's magic are ineffective against Kuyo, Gin arrives next, deciding that he doesn't want to lose anymore clubmates; he swiftly pummels Kuyo into submission. However, Kuyo reverts to his true form, a four-tailed fox. Gin blocks a fire blast, saving the group; however, Kuyo morphs into his Ultimate Battle Form next. Tsukune begs Kuyo to spare everyone and just kill him; Kuyo cruelly pretends to consider it, but laughs at the idea and launches fire at Moka. Tsukune takes the hit, while falling into Moka's arms and removing the rosario. Inner Moka bites Tsukune, giving him some of her own blood to heal him. Unexpectedly, Tsukune transforms into a vampiric form, leading Kuyo to think Ishigami tricked him; Tsukune headbutts Kuyo unconscious. Moka explains to their friends that Tsukune will be fine after some rest; the vampiric power he displayed was just temporary. Having escaped during the chaos, Ishigami flees to plot her revenge.
Tsukune awakens days later with no memory of the battle's outcome, making Moka decide to keep the truth from him out of fear that he'll go into shock. However, this backfires when a troll named Rinkishi hears the rumors about Tsukune beating Kuyo, and wants to defeat him now to prove his strength; he is kept from attacking Tsukune by Gin, another person he wants to beat. Gin explains things to Tsukune, who begins wondering if Moka's blood will eventually turn him into a true vampire. The confusion from this causes them to argue and temporarily "break up". Rinkishi, who can't just take the hint that Tsukune has not interest in fighting, attacks him. Inner Moka, realizing Tsukune jumped to the wrong conclusion about having her blood in him, telepathically instructs Outer Moka on how to transfuse their blood into him. With vampire power coursing through him again, Tsukune easily pummels Rinkishi, who learns to fear him. Vaguely remembering this fight and how weak he is without her help, Tsukune vows to become stronger to protect Moka.
Nearing the end of the first semester, Tsukune realizes that he's been unable to pay attention in class due to all the fights he's been in; he's in danger of falling math. Moka offers to help him study, but her blood-sucking catches the attention of the math teacher, Ririko Kagome; she believed Tsukune was fooling around instead of focusing on his schoolwork. As a result Ms. Ririko offers to tutor Tsukune, much to his disappointment; Yukari and Kurumu give fair warning that Ms. Rirko tends to go overboard because of how much she loves teaching. Soon after, Tsukune starts acting oddly; he mumbles math formulas to himself and ignores his friends, even Moka. It's later revealed that Ms. Ririko was using her Lamia abilities to manipulate Tsukune's mind into focusing solely on his schoolwork. Moka swiftly defeats her, earning Ms. Ririko two weeks suspension; unlike the insane Ms. Ishigami, Ms. Ririko was just misguided in her attempts to help teach her students. Everyone but Kurumu passes their finals (even though she kidnapped Yukari to tutor her.)
Witch's Knoll Arc (Chapter 13-17)[]
Under the disguise of taking a trip to help the Newspaper Club grow as journalists, Ms. Nekoname has the group brought the human world to investigate strange disappearances on a hill called Witch's Knoll, believing that the existence of monsters is in danger of being revealed. Yukari is left furious by the claims, which hold no solid evidence that any of her kind may behind the vanishings. However, this IS truth to the rumors. Two witches, Ruby Tojo and her guardian, Lady Oyakata, have been indirectly behind the disappearances, due to their man-eating plants devouring anyone who dares go near the sunflowers; the sunflowers are actually Hanibake, hidden in the ground until they mature. The witches plan to destroy the nearest human city with these monster plants to keep their home from being turned into a garbage dump.
Mistaking the rest of the club for humans, Ruby kidnaps Yukari from the group, persuading her to join their cause; Yukari thinks about what she was raised to believe about humans and Tsukune's kindness towards her, agreeing to help. However, the club finds Yukari, having overheard the entire conversation. Though Yukari expects anger from Tsukune because her actions, he's actually kind and accepting; he says they should call the trip a bust and go back to school. However, right before Yukari can grab Tsukune's outstretched hand, Ruby lands a mortal blow to Tsukune. While Kurumu distracts Ruby, Moka infuses Tsukune with her blood again. Yukari tells Ruby that she doesn't care if she's another witch; hurting her friends is something she will never tolerate. When Tsukune awakens, he knocks Ruby out by landing a blow to her stomach; this causes some damage to her internal organs, rendering her unable to move around much until she heals.
The group looks after Ruby for a few days, leaving her shocked a human, vampire, succubus, and witch can co-exist so naturally; to the four of them, it doesn't matter WHAT they are, but WHO they are. All the kindness they show her makes Ruby remember her deceased parents' dream of someday of having humans live in harmony with supernatural beings. However, the news of Ruby's "capture" by "humans" enrages Lady Oyakata, whose army of monster plants is now ripe. Having healed enough to move, Ruby leaves that night after revealing her tragic past to the group. The Bus Driver rallies the Newspaper Club into going after Ruby as Lady Oyakata may be ready to make her move; secretly, he plans on calling for re-enforcements from Yokai Academy if they can't handle the job of stopping them.
Arriving at Witch's Knoll, the group attempts to reason with Oyakata, but are unsuccessful due to her strong hatred of humans. However, Ruby, having experienced Tsukune's kindness, which has revived her hopes in her parents' dream, sides with the News Club, only to be badly wounded by Oyakata in anger. An all-out battle begins, with Oyakata threatening to kill Moka. However, Tsukune releases Inner Moka, leading to the witch merging with all her monster plants. Ruby reveals the weakness for all witches is that if the medium used for their magic is broken (a wand or book), their spells come undone; Inner Moka destroys the gem in Oyakata's spell book, causing the binding to start breaking. An explosion occurs, seemingly taking both witches' lives. The next day, Ruby was found alive and well; Oyakata used the last of her power to save Ruby.
From this experience, the Newspaper Club learned how deep the divide between humans, monsters, and even witches is. However, Moka believes one day, if every keeps changing for the better through meeting others, the world will be right. Even the Bus Driver thinks to himself how impressive Tsukune's kindness is; even though Tsukune believes he couldn't do anything to help, he actually warmed Oyakata's cold heart, and make her see something more important than her hatred: her love for Ruby.
Anti-Schooler Arc (Chapter 18-34)[]
A Cold Welcome
The Newspaper Club use the experience from Witch's Knoll for their next headline, impressing their readers. Unfortunately, Tsukune finds himself being stalked by a Snow Fairy named Mizore Shirayuki, who fell in love with him through his works in the newspaper. Mizore attempts to kill Moka out of jealousy, but is thwarted. She is later blamed for leaving two students on the brink of death. Tsukune confronts her, leaving Mizore shocked that everyone thinks she could be capable of doing that. True, she did freeze the students, having lashed out while crying; however, moment she realizes what she did, Mizore thawed them out, wet but perfectly fine. It turns out the gym teacher Mr. Kotsubo framed Mizore to get rid of her because she was a problem student; when he tries scaring her, she accidentally pushes him off a cliff. Because of his nature as a Kraken, he becomes enraged and tries dragging her down into the depths. When Tsukune attempts to save Mizore, Mr. Kotsubo snaps his neck; Moka is forced to revive him with her blood again, allowing Tsukune to pummel him and clear Mizore of the charges. Mizore becomes another of Tsukune's admirers, continuing to stalk him.
Going from Bad to Worse
Tsukune then begins feeling terrible pain in his neck from the last blood injection. Inner Moka realizes her blood is eroding Tsukune's humanity, shocking Outer Moka; Inner knew this could happen, but Tsukune seemed fine each time they gave him their blood. Saizo, jealous of Tsukune's popularity and willing to take advantage of his condition, confronts Tsukune with Monstrels. Tsukune is left badly wounded while Saizo corners Moka. Thanks to Tsukune's desire to save her, he is transformed into a vampire again by the lingering blood, allowing him to beat Saizo and his cronies. Moka is left frightened, as she can feel something is changing inside of Tsukune; the very thought fills her with dread as she doesn't want to lose the person she loves most.
Moka is soon after captured by Mido and used as bait to lure Tsukune to his lair, having mistaken him for a real vampire. Using the power of the blood in him, Tsukune manages quickly free Inner Moka; however his punctures reopen as a result. Moka warns Tsukune to return to the human world to recover as her blood is breaking down his body; any more of it will kill him. However, because Mido had rigged the sprinklers, Moka's power is shorted out, leaving her vulnerable. However, Tsukune takes a death-blow meant for her. Seeing no other way to save his life, Moka injects him with her blood again; however, instead of killing him, her blood transforms him into a mindless Ghoul. Luckily, she is not forced to kill him, thanks to the arrival of Tenmei Mikogami and Ruby, who attach a Holy Lock to Tsukune to restore his humanity.
As Tsukune recovers, the rest of the News Club watches over him; he has a nightmare about Moka killing him, no doubt due to the subconscious memory of the near-death beating Inner Moka gave him in his Ghoul state. Moka is left scarred by these events, torn between staying with Tsukune out of love and staying away from him to keep him safe; Inner Moka advises her to leave Tsukune alone as they might end up killing him. The Monstrel's "cleaner", Mako Yakumaru, decides to kill Tsukune next; she uses Moka as a puppet to do so, but fails and is defeated. Tsukune begs Moka to stay, leaving her in an even deeper state of confusion; at this point both love each other so much that it's painful to be apart.
Bonds Renewed
The Monstrel's #2, Kiria Yoshi approuches Kurumu with a deal; he will end the Monstel's attacks on the group if he can fight Inner Moka. However, as Tsukune cannot be told of this, it's impossible; Kurumu visits Moka and yells at her about how her wishy-washiness is hurting Tsukune, hoping it will make her leave. Kiria attacks with Cyclopses, trying to tempt Kurumu into letting Moka be killed so Tsukune could be all hers. However, Kurumu protects and teams up with Moka to defeat the Cyclopses as she wouldn't be worthy of Tsukune if she allowed this; Kiria found Outer Moka's attempts at fighting amusing, so he decides to hold up the end of his deal. Moka decides to stay, after being encouraged by Kurumu.
After things calm down, Tsukune finds himself with an unquenchable thirst, drinking numerous bottles of water. After Moka trips and gets a scrape, Tsukune becomes mesmerized by the sight of her blood; this leaves him confused, and dizzy whenever he remembers the sight of it. He later finds Moka almost fainting, noticing she has become very pale. Tsukune then sees her veins, feeling pulled towards her neck; however, he is pushed away by Moka, who wonders what's wrong with him before fainting. Tsukune realizes the reason he's thirsty is because he's craving blood, and Moka's specifically and ironically. Cannibal Yokai graduate, Hyakushiki attacks Tsukune, with the intent of eating him. Moka enters the fray, being taken hostage. However, the lunatic makes the mistake of trying to draw out Tsukune's Ghoul nature; reduced to a subconscious state by his powers, Tsukune is able to defeat Hyakushiki. Moka later explains that she's been evading him because of the overwhelming urge to drink his blood when they're together. Tsukune offers his blood to Moka to ensure her health, promising himself that he will never hurt Moka now matter how much he craves her blood.
After the Anti-Schoolers put out a fake Yokai Times newspaper, Tsukune is brought before the Headmaster, who is the very same Exorcist who put the Holy Lock on him; it had been decided that Tsukune will be expelled as a scapegoat to ensure the students still respect the faculty, and to save his life as repeated battles will damage the Holy Lock until it crumbles. However, he soon encounters a Monstrel responsible for the paper and learns they are the ones who make up the Anti-Schoolers. Defeating him, Tsukune decides to stay no matter what he has to do, joining the School Festival Committee per request of the Headmaster.
Peace Restored
As a part of the committee, Tsukune finds a kindred spirit in the student council president, Hokuto Kaneshiro, who desires to bring peace to Yokai. Moka oversees Kiria meeting with Hokuto, but her claims are laughed at by Tsukune. Unfortunately, Tsukune finds out that not only is Hokuto allied with the Anti-Schoolers, he's their leader. Moka is kidnapped by Kiria, while the rest of the News Club take Hokuto to the Headmaster. However, this was Hokuto's plan; he steals the Rosary of Judgement, so he can destroy the Great Barrier keeping the academy outside the human world. Outer Moka damages the Rosario to free Inner Moka, who defeats Kiria and races after Hokuto with Tsukune. To their shock, they learn Hokuto is also a former human, but had a hellish life of not being accepted in either world; he plans to tear down the current order and build a new one, even if it means a massive slaughter.
Hokuto is defeated, while the News Club attempt to re-power the barrier with their own monster energy; unfortunately, the girls don't have enough power. Tsukune decides to give his life to repair the barrier, believing that Hokuto truly desired peace at Yokai Academy deep down in his heart. Seeing that it wasn't just dumb luck that allowed Tsukune to survive at this school (it was his compassion and kindness, which won over once distrustful monsters that loathed humans), Hokuto gives his remaining power to the barrier, saving Tsukune's life. Hokuto falls into a coma, and is imprisoned in a hospital room to recover. Kiria manages to sneak in and give Hokuto more of his blood, healing him; both escape the school.
School Festival Arc (Chapter 35-40)[]
And Things were Looking so Peaceful...
On the first night of the school festival, both Kurumu and Mizore have lied to their mothers (who have come to visit) about being Tsukune's girl. However, MIzore sees that Tsukune is troubled by this and uses ice dolls to replace Tsukune for the both of them (but her ruse is revealed in the end). In the meantime, Tsukune saves Moka from a Yokai allum who was trying to take advantage of her and spends the rest of the night with her.
On the second night, everyone is shocked by the appearance of Tsukune's cousin, Kyoko. After barely keeping Yokai Academy's true nature a secret from her, the group discover that Kyoko was tricked into bringing Lilith's Mirror to the academy; complicating matters, Kyoko accidently made a wish to the fairy of the mirror, causing the mirror to reveal everyone's "true self", which is their real appearances and what they desire. They discover Ishigami had concocted this plan to destroy the school that fired her and get revenge on the Newspaper Club for dragging her name through the mud. Though temporarily setback by the mirror's magic (resulting in all the girls except Moka, who wanted the mirror to avoid putting Tsukune in danger, trying to seduce him), the Newspaper Club manage to defeat Ishigami once more, and have her properly arrested.
One Last Scene
Due to the damage caused by the mirror making everyone go bonkers, Yokai Academy has to close for repairs. Upon getting home, Tsukune ends up in another drama when all the girls follow and cause trouble. As punishment, the girls are forcibly taken back by Ruby and the Bus Driver; however, Tsukune promises to see his friends again once day.
Season Two - War Against Fairy Tale[]
Return to Yokai Academy Arc (Chapter 1-9)[]
Things are Back to "Normal"
After six months, Yokai Academy is reopened and all the members of the Newspaper Club are reunited. However, Yukari slips Moka a love potion that makes her express her feelings to Tsukune, which causes chaos when Kurumu and Mizore try stopping her. Things are resolved when Inner Moka is released and sets things straight. Soon after, Kurumu decides to prove herself better than Moka by winning a self-study class to capture a Durian fruit and share it with Tsukune, much to his disgust as he's originaly human and cannot stomach it. The constant in-fighting leads to Moka being swallowed by the fruit's true form, and Tsukune releasing Inner Moka to help compost it.
Phantom Slashers
A while later, Moka's little sister, Kokoa Shuzen enrolls in Yokai in her series of constant attempts to release Inner Moka by attacking Outer Moka. However, after Tsukune helps make her wish come true, it's revealed Kokoa misses Inner Moka and has been trying to get rid of Outer Moka; Kokoa is utterly hopeless as she continues her attacks even afterwards. Soon after, reports of a slasher attacking students comes in and the Newspaper Club goes to investigate an old dungeon. There, they encounter the slashers, a group a theives who planned on hiding out after a robbery. Tsukune nearly loses himself to the Vampire blood in his veins, but thanks to Ruby and Yukari, he's brought back to his senses. The end resault is the theives, a Doppleganger, a Tsuchigumo and a Minotaur, being taken into custody for their crimes.
Trouble for the News Club
Right after, Ms Nekonome decides to have the Newspaper Club begin recruting more members, starting with Kokoa. However, Kokoa feels embaressed about joining and decides to try martial arts clubs to help get stronger. Yukari helps her out by giving her experimental gro-gro drops that age her into a young adult. However, they backfire and turn Kokoa into a child again, leading Mizore and Kurumu to have a field day with making fun of her. Kokoa runs away from them because of their teasing and soon gets bullied by sore losers from the karate club she beat prior to the gro-gro drops' backlash. With the assistance of the rest of the female members from the club, also reverted into kids, Kokoa teaches the karate club to respect her. However, the downside is that the rumor of this (after becoming distorted) lead to applicants deciding not to join, except for Kokoa.
Some time later, a pransketer had been going around campus and slashing girl's unifroms. Gin became the prime suspect, but was cleared of the charges when the true purpetraitor was found.
Land of the Snow Fairies Arc (Chapter 10-14)[]
Mizore receives a letter from her mother, inviting her and the rest of the News Club (minus Gin) back to her homeland to partake in the flower offering ceremony. Knowing the traditions of her kind, Mizore tries to cement a relationship with Tsukune, even resorting to using a snow white flower, but is taken hostage by the Snow Priestess as part of an alliance with Fairy Tale to keep the villagers from being slaughter by an assasain. Lucky, the rest of the Newspaper Club rescues her. However, they encounter Moka's older sister Kahlua Shuzen, the assasain Fairy Tale had sent; they succeed in fending Kahlua off, when her boss, Miyabi, recalls the order. The ordeal shows Jack Frost, the embodiment of the priestess's clairvoyance, that the future isn't set in stone; as a result, Snow Fairies were no longer bound by prophecies.
However, right before the Newspaprt Club headed back to Yokai Academy, they were told one last phophecy; it warned them that Tsukune and Moka had a special destiny that would change the world.
Second Battle with Fairy Tale Arc (Chapter 15-22)[]
The failure to defeat Miyabi and Kahlua in the Land of the Snow Fairies weighs heavily on the Newspaper Club's consciences. The Headmaster sees that Tsukune needs to learn how to master the power of the vampire blood within better, deciding to have him properly trained. Ruby puts Tsukune to sleep under orders, taking him to a different dimension to be trained on how to harness his power without overdoing it, and causing a link of the Holy Lock to break; a chain connects the lock to her, allowing the excess energy to be siphoned into Ruby as an electrical shock when Tsukune uses the Belmont whip to break the lock's seal. Tsukukne fights off monster animals, quickly learning to harness his energy to stop shocking Ruby (who was actualy enjoying the pain from the electric shocks).
Inner Moka takes interest in this, deciding to train Tsukune herself, using Belmont to allow herself out of the seal without having to remove the Rosario. However, the next day, she decides to go shopping instead as it's a rare treat to be out of the seal and not have to fight. Ruby, Yukari, Kurumu and Mizore chase after Moka to get Belmont back as the Headmaster would expel them for losing it. Inner Moka teaches Tsukune to sense the pressences of others, deciding to let him settle things if he didn't want the others hurt. Tsukune hugs her to draw everyone into the open, but is kicked in retaliation for doing so. Settling the matter peaceful, Moka actually trains Tsukune, leaving him battered and bruised.
When it Comes to Love...
Kokoa, thinking Tsukune is a player after her sister, decides to take advantage of Kurumu; Kurumu was rethinking her relationship with Tsukune. Kokoa tries unsuccessfuly to convince Kurumu to use her Charm to make Tsukune fall in love with her; Kurumu only believes in true love. When Kurumu demontrates how strong her powers are, she accidently hypnotises Tsukune, knocking him out. Kokoa acts as a distraction to keep the others busy. Kurumu unknowingly takes Tsukune back to her room, wondering if she's weak-willed. Tsukune awakens, apparently unaffected; however, he is soon revealed to have been successfuly Charmed. Kurumu decides to make the most of it and spends time with him, but when she asks him to say "I love you" and can't get him to say it like he means it, she realises her one-sided crush will never change.
After crying her frustation away, Kurumu offers to clean Tsukune's shirt for him because she cried into it; however, the others managed to located her right at that moment, having captured Kokoa. However, they don't lash out at her, seemingly realising she had just finished crying. And thankfuly, Tsukune retained no memory of that day once Kurumu undid her spell. Kokoa noted that Kurumu was quite strange compared to other Succubi as she awfully pure-hearted when it came to love.
Meeting San
The Headmaster sends the Newspaper Club (minus Gin for an unknown reason) to the human world for a vacation. At this time, Tsukune's training had been getting nowhere fast as Inner Moka realised he can't fight without a reason. While the human world, they met the former club president, San Otonashi, a Siren being pursued by yakuza thugs coveting her powers. Tsukune, who was originaly human, was the only one allowed to fight them to rescue San (and Moka, who had been kidnapped as well by mistake) as monsters were forbidden from harming humans no matter what the reason.
San took them to the inn where she lived and worked for a human woman named Marin; they had a close mother-daughter-like bond. Marin had known of the existence of monsters ever since her husband was killed by one, and San feared that Marin would reject her if she ever learned the truth about herself. One of the employees was threatened by a scout from Fairy Tale's seventh branch to try getting San to abandon her life with Marin and join Fairy Tale; he stole Marin's bankbook to force the inn to close. However, the Newspaper Club called in customers in their swimsuits, succesfuly earning back what had been stolen.
At the same time, Gin had also arrived in the human world and confronted the Fairy Tale scout; he allowed himself to be beaten in a fight, so he could get to the seventh branch's HQ. Haji also arrived and join Gin in destroying the HQ.
Back at the inn, the leader of Fairy Tale's seventh branch, Kamiya Kanade had arrived to personaly try recruiting San. When he realised San would never come willingly, he tried to use his Siren powers to hypnotise her; Kamiya also laughed at Marin for thinking San was human. This forced the Newspaper Club to face off with him, and Merman he summoned as backup. Marin was shocked by this, even more so when San revealed her wings and began singing to counter Kamiya's lethal song. A Merman shot a compressed blast of water at Marin, forcing San to take the hit instead; Marin realized that it was silly to have even feared San for a moment, since she was the same girl she had come to know at heart.
Tsukune fought Kamiya, forcing him to go all out himself; the fight was a stalemate, until San recovered and blocked Kamiya's song again. Kamiya was badly beaten, until his body started breaking apart to make things worse; San had been using a song that was sung at a frequency unhearable by human/monster ears.
Though Kamiya hadn't died, he was still in bad shape; San offered Marin the change to avenge her husband by killing Kamiya, and to take her life as well since she's a monster as well. However, Marin only treated her like she had done something silly again, making San cry in joy. Moka and Tsukune then wondered about their own future, and if they'll be a part of each others', promising to be so.
These events show yet another step towards a better co-existence and understanding between humans and monsters.
Secret of the Rosario Arc (Chapter 23-37)[]
The Huang Family Arrives
Upon returning to Yokai Academy, Tsukune had a dream that made him realise that he would have to set his friends straight about who he actualy loved. He vaguely mentioned this to Moka, saying he was thinking about the future. At the mention of not knowing about his future, a newcomer named Fang-fang Haung appeared, trying to recruit Tsukune into his mafia faimly; news of Fairy Tale's seventh branch being destroyed had spread fast, but Gin and Haji's involvement wasn't noticed. The attempt mislead Moka and Tsukune into thinking Fangfang was a homosexual, but the misunderstanding was cleared up by Kokoa and Ruby. Fangfang attempted to entice Tsukune into joining by explaining that there were now laws against multiple relationships amongst monsters; all the girls except Moka considered the idea. However, Tsukune's continued refusal lead to Fangfang using his Yasha powers to summon a baby phoenix, which disobeyed him. After Inner Moka defeated it, she beat everyone up when Kurumu accused her of wanting Tsukune just to herself. Unfortunately, this didn't deter Fangfang from trying to recruit Tsukune into the Huang family, along with his "strongest wife" - Inner Moka.
Come the time of the school's sports festival, Lingling Huang, Fangfang's zombie sister, arrived at the school, helping cheat with her army of Jiang Shi. She brokered a deal with the girls (who were angered Fangfang never offered anything of equal value in his challenges to Tsukune); they would win a trip to the Huang family hot springs if their team got more victories, but Tsukune would join the Huang family if they lost. Tsukune and Moka were against the idea, but Kurumu, Yukari and Ruby were all for it; Mizore obivously wasn't given she's a Snow Fairy. Evening the sides was the arrival of Kurumu, Mizore and Yukari's mothers, who used their powers to help cheat. When the Jiang Shi ruined a box lunch both Moka had made for Tsukune with help from Inner Moka, they had him remove the rosario to beat Lingling and Fangfang to a pulp. As a result, an all-out fight started and everyone forgot the score.
Yukari later invented a device that lets others hear what's in their hearts, in her little scheme to create a love triangle between Moka, Tsukune and herself. However, Fangfang messed with it when she was resting, ending up switching their minds in the processes. To make matters worse, it was check up day, making Yukari panic. Tricking Tsukune into thinking she was Fangfang, Yukari heard the truth about what he thought of her; she was glad to know the truth, telling Tsukune she loved him (as she appeard as a teenage version of herself to him). She switched herself back with Fangfang before he could change out of her clothes. Unfortunately, Fanfang and Tsukune got beat up by girls under the assumption that they were peeking; however, Gin and Haji deserved their punishment.
At this time, Outer Moka had begun to get more and more tired, and Inner Moka was talking to her more and more frequently. Inner Moka decide to go to school in Outer's place for a day; however, the Headmaster wouldn't likely lend Belmont for it, forcing Tsukune to leave the Rosario off longer than usual. Moka attemped to bake a pumpkin pie as a show of thanks for Tsukune taking care of Outer Moka; though it nearly killed the rest of their friends helping her, it surprisingly turned out great. However, once the seal was back in place, Outer Moka didn't return. Fangfang and Lingling said that would explain the "creak" they heard coming from the Rosario's seal.
The Broken Seal
Though the Newspaper Club was sure the Headmaster could repair the rosario seal again, the Huangs said that it was beyond his expertise to do so, and that the only person capable of doing so was the very person who had taught the Headmaster magic in the first place: the Second Dark Lord, Tohufuhai. They boarded the Huang's private jet to head to China, where Tohufuhai resided; everyone was scared and excited, since monsters can't normally go abroad due to lacking passports. Along the way, Inner Moka began worrying that she was losing her edge due to all the time she's spent with Outer's friends. A Gremlin attacked the plane, devouring it; however, it was a pevert, a fact that Moka took advantage of to distract it. Though they managed to knock the Gremlin off the jet, it was already too late for it; they were forced to fly the rest of the day on a dragon Fangfang summoned. The Gremlin was later revealed to have been sent by operatives of Fairy Tales' 1st Division - Kiria and Hokuto.
At the Huang mansion, the Newpaper Club members started disappearing one-by-one; however, it later turned out to be a game by Fangfang's parents to keep them busy while they prepared a party to welcome them. Tsukune also revealed that he was originaly human to Fangfang, shocking him. They met Tohufuhai, who had become a hard-core peverted otaku in his old age. He examined the seal to repair it, finding something shocking in its spell. However, before he could explain or doing anything else, the seal rebounded, taking the souls of Tohufuhai, Tsukune and Mizore into the seal.
Moka's Hidden Memories
Inside the seal, the trio found themselves in a world created from Moka's childhood memories of before the rosario sealed her. They learned about Moka's mother Akasha Bloodriver, and her stepsiter Aqua Shuzen. Aqua was of Chinese decent, and well-known in the underworld as the "Black Devil" because of her lethal martial arts and dark clothing. Tohufuhai said that these memories were actualy being distorted by the seal, so Moka barely remembered them. Seeing Moka's tenth birthday, Tsukune and Mizore learned that a terrible monster had been sealed away by the Three Dark Lords 200 years ago, and slumbered beneath the Shuzen mansion - Alucard, a vampire who had lost his original form by using his First Ancestor blood to absorb other monsters to destroy the human world. Because Aqua had shown Moka the terrible secret hidden beneath the mansion, Akasha was forced to send Moka away earlier than she planned, for her own safety.
Aqua revealed the reason she joined the Shuzen family was to gain the powers of a second First Ancestor - Akasha. Because of her love for Moka, Aqua had held herself back from achieving her plans; now that she's gone, she can take Akasha's blood to gain great powers. However, Moka returns to retrieve the rosario Akasha had given her; Aqua bisescts Akasha, driving Moka over the edge. Aqua is left shocked that First Ancestor power flows from her. Akasha had she injected her own blood into Moka at birth, since she was barely alive. Since Akasha's blood was synchronised with Alucard's, the beast awoke and sought anything with a heartbeat to drain dry of blood to sate it's thrist. Aqua and Akasha worked together to save Moka, placing the rosario on her. Akasha explained that Moka would sleep, and a personality created by the Rosario would protect her body; the seal could only be removed by someone who meant her no harm, and loved her. Akasha was then devoured by Alucard, willingly, so she could seal him once more from the inside.
At that time, the memory world broke apart, and Kurumu arrived, thanks to her Succubus powers, to help get them out of Moka's mind. However, Tsukune was in despair of learning that the Moka he had come to love so much was nothing more than a by-product of the rosario, an illusion. Trapped in a wave of Moka's memories, Tsukune saw Outer Moka's first days, and confessed to a crying memory version of her that he had been in love with her since the moment they met and that he wanted to be with her forever. Mizore and Kurumu heard this, hurt by the realization that they would never be able to win Tsukune's heart. Because Kurumu was growing exhausted, Tohufuhai helped them escape.
In the outside world, Aqua Shuzen had arrived at the Huang mansion, looking for Moka; she had been fighting Fangfang's parents. Victor, she tried to get to her sister, but Lingling fought her off; however, due to a zombie's low stamina, the fight couldn't last long. She prepared a suicide attempt, hoping to take Aqua with her since she could nullify the Dimension Sword technique herself if Aqua tried to become intangable to escape the blast. However, Aqua managed to escape into the ground, and Tohufuhai saved Lingling. Aqua noticed that Moka had vanished, before realising a spell was misleading her senses; she easily broke it, happy to see her sister. Holding Fangfang's parents hostage, Aqua agreed to let them go if Moka came with her.
The Battle for Coexistence Arc (Chapter 38-66)[]
Preparations for Moka's Rescue
Aqua took Moka onto a Fairy Tale blimp, where she became angered upon discovering the seal had been repaired by Tohufuhai. She questioned Moka constantly, learning both personalities share the same memories, but the ones about Alucard and Akasha had been repressed. They arrived at the Floating Garden, the main HQ for Fairy Tale. With Moka unwilling to doubt in her friends, Aqua showed her Alucard in the depths of the fortress, cruely explaining that Akasha was inside the monster. Moka broke down in tears upon learning that her mother was inside the beast.
At the Huang mansion, Hokuto and Kiria arrived, explaining that the branches of Fairy Tale work towards the same goal, but prefer different methods. The 1st branch doesn't want the rosario seal broken, which would lead to Alucard's revival. Ruby, Kokoa, Haji, and Gin also arrive, increasing the group's numbers for the upcoming fight. Hokuto also gave vital data on the organization to the group, allowing Tohufuhai to examine it himself to see if he was being truthful.
Kurumu passed out from exhaustion due to never using her ability to enter dreams before. She awoke in a bed the next day, only to find Gin with her; for a moment she thought she had lost her viginity, but it was a prank by Mizore. Giving them a sound beating, Kurumu was shown a mirror world created by Tohufuhai for training. Kokoa sparred Haji (no surprise there), Fangfang sparred with Yukari, and Tsukune was recieving training from Tohufuhai. However, since Tsukune couldn't handle the sorceror in his elderly form, Tohufuhai decided the best was to allow Tsukune to master spells was to use the Body Modification Technique to alter his body to allow better flow of energy. Kurumu protested to the idea, but Tsukune was willing to do anything to save Moka.
At the time, Kurumu was feeling weak; Gin cared for her. Kurmum realises that she feels like she's dying because an unloved Succubus will indeed do so if the man she's after has no love for her. Gin advised her to forget Tsukune then (as he will never love her), but Kurumu rejected the idea. Elsewhere, the modification spell was going sucessfuly, but Tohufuhai decided against finishing as Tsukune lost conciousness. Determined to see it to the end, Tsukune accidenly called upon the vampire blood within him, turning into a jet black monster, beating up Tohufuhai. Kurumu saw this, and Tohufuhai realised Tsukune could cause death and destruction just like Alucard had done in the past; he decided to kill him for the safety of the world. However, Kurumu's deep love for Tsukune allowed her past the barrier; she kissed him, delving into his mind to retrieve his soul.
Tohufuhai completed the modification spell, allowing Tsukune to revert to normal. He was surprised by Kurumu's power, deciding Tsukune's fate was now up to her. The next day, Tsukune discovered he could now perform spells, no matter how simple, that could shatter rocks without even touching them. Kurumu tried to tell him about what had happened, but Tsukune retained all memory of the event, even the kiss. Both were embaressed by it, but Tsukune was thankful for what she had done to save him. The others, sneaking around like usual, almost believed that Tsukune and Kurumu could have had sex the previous night because both weren't seen after Kurumu ran off to see him. At the same time, Mizore had come to the conclusion that even if Tsukune isn't meant to be hers, she'll follow him for the rest of her life.
Infiltrating the Hanging Garden
A month had passed, and the News Club successfuly infiltrates Fairy Tale, disguised as members. An assembly distracted them from their mission; they learned Moka's stepmother, Gyokuro Shuzen lead Fairy Tale in a plot to destroy humanity with Alucard. Gyokuro sensed their aggrevation to her words, trying to smash them with a pillar, but Tsukune destoyed it. Hokuto broke off from the group, prefering self-presevation over a suicide mission. Unfortunately, the Newspaper Club couldn't have picked a worse day to arrive for their mission, since the leaders of Fairy's Tale's six remaining branches had arrived as well for the meeting.
Ruby's masochistic nature allowed her to successfuly defated 5th Division Leader, Raika. However, things got worse, when Kiria sent her and Tsukune to a different dimension; there, they discoverd Kuyo, the 3rd Division Leader. After the defeat dealt to him by Tsukune in the previous year, Kuyo trained hard until he grew a fifth tail, doubling his power; he had been an undercover agent, just like Kiria and Hokuto. However, Tsukune was able to defeat him, after overcoming his fear from his first near-death experience. Kuyo fled, attempting to trap them in the alternate dimension. However, Ruby helped them escape the dimension, where they proceeded onwards to find Moka. Fangfang faced off with the Deputy Leader of the 4th Division, Ludie, learning that the Mao family leader was her boss. Yukari helped defeat Ludie, but Xilong Mao, 4th Division leader arrived. Yukari and Fangfang defeated him, learning that he only restarted the Huang-Mao conflict under orders of a psychotic monster known only as the Masked King, who also founded the Mao family and Fairy Tale. For revealing this and betraying the Masked King, 6th Division Leader, Yuki Gairen, seemingly smushed them all under rubble.
Aqua's Big Mistake
Kurumu and Mizore had nearly reached Moka, but Kiria stood in their way. However, Miyabi Fujisaki stepped in and fought Kiria to allow them a safe passage to Moka. However, Aqua was with Moka, and fought Kurumu and Mizore; their final "Black and White Duet" should have defeated her thanks to knowing how long the Dimension Sword could be active; however, it proved useless. With Mizore and Kurumu wounded, Outer Moka's grief finally caused the seal to break and revert her to Inner Moka.
However, it wasn't the happy reunion Aqua had long awaited; Inner Moka was angry with her for harming her friends. At the same time, Alucard burrowed through-out the fortress, eating some Fairy Tale operatives. Kurumu and Mizore were rescued by Yukari, who was healing everyone with a magicaly summoned creature. Moka and Aqua continued fighting, until Tsukune arrived and saved her from a blow. Moka cried in joy, leaving Aqua angry that her her beloved sister had chosen to open her heart to Tsukune instead of her.
It's Not Over Yet...
Though it would seem Aqua would claim Tsukune as her next victim, Moka was left surprised when Tsukune was able to counter the Dimension Sword; the technique works similar to a saw, but Tsukune had mastered the Shadowless Sword to block it. Unable to use her most destructive technique, Aqua was left on the defenseive as Moka teamed up with Tsukune. During the skirmsih, Aqua then realised she wasn't doing what she truly wanted, and that was to care for Moka as she promised Akasha. A memory of her childhood reveals another sister Aqua had, and Tsukune senses this sadness deep within Aqua. Moka deals Aqua a poweful kick, knocking her into the rubble. With Aqua's defeat, it would seem everything had gone as planned.
Gyokuro arrived with the 2nd Division - the Shuzen family, stealing the rosario. She reveals that researching the rosario showed her it's meant to control Alucard if he awoke. As a shocking turn of events, Gyokuro reveals she turned the Shuzens into Ghouls by placing Alucard's flesh into their bodies; it ate away at them from within until their was nothing left of their former selves. Gyokuro revealed Tsukune would soon suffer the same fate, making Moka beg her to save him. However, Tsukune instead decides to defeat Gyokuro and put an end to her plans. by unlocking another Holy Lock seal. They fight evenly, until Gyokuro reveals her Enemy Zero ability, allowing her to use any attacks she's seen. However, Tsukune lands a powerful blow that shatters her ribs and puntchers her lungs. Gyokuro then revealed the fortress is slowly descending into the human world. Gyokuro fused with Alucard, and attacked the News Club. Her attack sent them plummenting into the fortress, where Moka realized her friends are still suffering from grave injuries, but are pushing themselves regardless.
Kurumu and Mizore, joined Kokoa in facing Kahlua, who removed all her limiters, turning her body to sludge. Fangfang and Yukari blocked 6th Division Leader Yuki Gairen from attacking Moka, and were shocked to learn that he was empty upon defeat. Tsukune tried encouraging Hokuto to come back to Yokai, but Kiria attacked them, revealing himself as a Chimera created from Alucard's flesh. Hokuto blocked Tsukune from helping him, encouraging him to go back to Yokai Academy with the others. Kurumu and Mizore use their final Black and White Duet to soak Kahlua in Holy Water to seal her powers. This allowed Kokoa to stab Kahlua through the heart. Dying, Kahlua revealed Gyokuro only wanted their father, Issa Shuzen, to love her again. When Kokoa was born, Gyokuro thought she had succeeded in winning back Issa's heart; however, when it turned out she was wrong, Gykuro focused on her frustration at Kokoa, explaining why she was always so cold to her own daughter.
Moka kicks Gyokuro's face with all her might, destorying her facial skin. However, Gyokuro survives and heals thanks to Alucard's power. Unfortunately, this causes her to mutate further, becoming a horned monstrocity with oversized arms. Laughing at Akasha for creating the rosario, Gyokuro attempts to kill Moka, but finds herself frozen in place. Tohofuhai reveals it's not Alucard that the rosario links with, but actually Akasha Bloodriver, inside Alucard; a mother would never harm her daughter, thus Gyokuro couldn't kill Moka because of Akasha's love.
Though Gyokuro threatens the continued descent of the fortress, the Bus Driver calls Tohofuhai, explaining that he's gained control of the fortress and is returning it back to its original altitude. Moka took back her rosario, leaving Gyokuro to be devoured by Alucard. Returning her rosario to its rightful place around her neck, Moka switched back to her Outer personality; both she and Tsukune shared a happy reunion.
Return of the Greatest Evil
With Gyokuro and Kahlua gone, and the Floating Garden abandoned by Fairy Tale's lackeys, it would seem that the Newspaper Club has successfully saved the human world. However, the arrival of the Masked King proves otherwise; he reveals himself to be Miyabi Fujisaki, who the Dark Lord, Tohufuhai recognizes as a clone of Alucard's original vampire form. Alucard reveals that the whole reason behind the Mao-Huang war, and the fight between Yokai Academy and against Fairy Tale had all been orchestrated so he could find out if the rosario could actually control his original body. Aqua arrived, with Alucard revealing her past; Aqua once had another stepsister, named Jasmine, who was mutilated and killed by humans because they suspected her of being a vampire. Aqua destroys Miyabi, who just reforms; he cannot die so long as his original body is still alive. The rosario was criticaly damaged by Miyabi as he forced Fairy Tale HQ to crash into the human world.
With nothing keeping Alucard from being able to move about, it transformed into a monsterous humanoid and began rampaging through the area. Tohufuhai managed to save the group with a "soap opera" spell that sealed them in bubbles. Mikogami had also arrived, sending all the humans in the area away. Alone in their own bubble, Moka and Tsukune talked about her true nature as a fake personality created by the rosario, which was now beyond repair. Tsukune told her it didn't matter as he had been in love with her since the moment they met, asking her not to fade away; Moka likewise confessed she had also been in love with him. They shared a kiss.
Miyabi questions Mikogami what magic he used to transport the humans away, only to be told it wasn't magic; fighter jets arrived along with tanks and opened fire on Alucard. Mikogami has several connections and allies in the human world, and he is deadset on having the relationships between monsters and human evolve to the next stage. Though the humans sending in the calvery remain unaware of what Alucard is, they continue firing on him. Miyabi notices his original body's intelligence seems to have waned as they can't synchronize their thoughts well, forcing him to merge back with Alucard. San Otonashi arrives as well, destroying one of Alucard's tentacles with her song; her notepad says she'll be his opponent. The wounded soldiers and their superiors, who are watching the battle on a screen, mistake San for an angel. Miyabi is surprised by this, thinking there wasn't a Siren who could wound him. Mikogami reminds Miyabi that he said they all want to co-exist with humans.
At the same time, Kurumu, Kokoa and Mizore search for Moka and Tsukune by air, surprised by the lack of casualties. However, though there are screams, they are coming from farther away from the battlefield, thanks to Mikogami's strategic planning. Elsewhere, Tsukune and Moka's bubble lands safely and pops. After confirming Moka isn't breathing and doesn't have a pulse, Tsukune cries at the thought of losing her. However, Aqua finds them, saying that Moka can still be saved. Aqua explains that Moka has lost too much of her own blood, so she'll give Moka her own to save her. Tsukune remembers this is what Moka had done for him to save his life repeatedly.
Elsewhere, San faces Miyabi, correcting her previous message that she'll fight alone by saying "they" are his oppponents. Mikogami lands a powerful punch to Alucard, knocking him away. Mikogami then reveals he has a young appearance, and multiple Holy Locks wrapped around his body. Fuhai says he's glad that they have the Kishin, Mikogami on their side. Mikogami releases the Holy Locks' seals, transforming into his true form; he tells Fuhai to do the same as this battlefield will serve as their grave. Fuhai complies, saying that they should cause as much damage as possible before the end; it's better to go out fighting than from old age.
The "Trump Card"
In the meantime, Aqua continues pumping her blood into Moka, remembering her last moments with Jasmine. Aqua badly hurt a human boy Jasmine loved, fearing he'd reveal their true identities as vampires; Jasmine decided to return and explain things, saying it didn't matter if someone she cared about was human. Unfortunately, Moka hasn't awoken, and Aqua is getting cold from giving so much blood. Tsukune offers to give his blood, but Aqua says his half-formed fangs cannot perform the task of injecting blood. Since he's still half-human because of the Holy Lock, Tsukune says he can help save Moka if he becomes a vampire. Despite Aqua warning he'd end up like Gyokuro's test subjects, Tsukune destroys the Holy Lock, saying nothing matters more to him than Moka. Aqua listens in shock, weeping at the memory of Jasmine saying the same thing. Tsukune tells Moka that he is giving back all that she gave him, and begins injecting his blood in Moka while he transforms.
During the fight between Alucard, Fuhai, Mikogami and San, they manage to make his shoulders temporarily become disjointed. While Mikogami and Fuhai argued over who got the better hit in, the evil Shinso noticed Tsukune's power spiking out of control and immidiately realised this was Mikogami's "trump card". The rest of the News Club converged on the source of the energy, a swirling vortex of two clashing powers. Aqua explained that with a magic circle, they can send their power to Tsukune, allowing him to gain control over the Shinso blood. While still locked in combat with Mikogami and Fuhai, Alucard found his body was being obliterated; Tsukune and Moka, utilizing the Shinso blood to the fullest had transformed and were destroying him.
Alucard however, rosed up transforming into a monsterous blob. He reveals his true plan about the eggs he planted all over Japan which begun to hatched are Alucard's clones and started to roam the cities to devour the humans that he'll build a Fairy Tale kingdom for his kind. Alucard then tells Tsukune that he should stop siding with the humans now that he's a Shinso and goes on by saying that the true purpose of the Holy Lock wasn't to surpress the monster blood but rather it safely turns a human into a creature and believing that Tsukune lost who he once was, however, Tsukune tells Alucard that their differences are what lets them understand each other and will overcome this battle to prove it. Soon Gin, Haji, and Ling Ling comes to aid them in battle as they were playing dead the entire time. Members of the Miu and Wong families are destroying the clones along with the teachers, and students of Yokai Academy. Mikogami appears to Tsukune saying that he used him and needing him for this battle from the beginning and tells Tsukune to resent him if he must, but Tsukune refused by saying he chose this path himself.
Alucard makes a giant hand to smash them all but is stopped by Touhoufuhai and they all proceed to attack Alucard. The Dark Lord explains that they have to wear down Alucard to kill him - he may be immortal, but there is a limit to how much he can regenerate. While their friends open a path for them, Tsukune and Moka destroying Miyabi. As his head falls away, Miyabi remembers that Tsukune's words sound just like Akasha's.
The Final Secrets
In a flashback of the 15th century in Europe, there was a king named Dracula who is a vampire that build a kingdom for his kind and in hopes to build a utopia for humans and monsters living together in peace, but the humans (being religious nuts back then) feared him and killed his people and destroyed his kingdom. Dracula survived and found one surviving member who's a young girl, Akasha Bloodriver and the two head off east. The king reversed his name to Alucard and to seek vengeance to rebuild his lost kingdom.
In the present while battling Alucard, Tsukune is trying to find his weak spot but is stabbed by Alucard's spike. Tsukune then takes off the rosario from Moka and places it on Alucard which recreated Akasha, who takes control over Alucard's main body much to everyone's surprise. Alucard looked forward to this moment, but Akasha tells him that they should end this battle as their journey had gone on long enough and because their dream is the same it has been passed down to the next generation.
Alucard remembers Tsukune say that they'd come to an understanding, realize Akasha is right. Akasha goes on saying they would go off on a new journey. Alucard remembers when he cursed his body, but with Akasha by his side made him to keep on living. He agrees with her saying that he wouldn't mind the company with the two making a self destruction spell. Touhou and Mikogami came to their side as they will join them on the new journey since they know each other for so long.
When Tsukune and Moka calls out to them, Aqua appears telling them about the promise she made with Akasha. She reveals that Akasha erased her memories to protect Moka as a personality and when the time comes, Aqua would destroy Outer Moka as this was all for Moka's happiness. Akua also reveals that Outer Moka was a clone of Akasha. Akasha thanks Akua for keeping her promise for the last 7 yeras. As Tsukune calls out to her, Akasha reveals that Outer Moka's memories have come back to her and because of those memories she is able to set off leaving her daughter behind. Tsukune begged her not to go, but Akasha tells him that she's able to go forth on this new journey without any regret because she knows how important she is to Tsukune and the others. Akasha thanks Tsukune for everything and was very happy to meet him. With that, the self destruction spell is acivated and the Three Dark Lords with Alucard vanished from the world. As the rosario drops back down onto Tsukune's hands, Tsukune was thankful to meet Akasha but didn't get the chance to say it and Tsukune and Moka cry.
Not too far away, Kiria watches from a rooftop, holding Hokuto next to him. Kuyo arrives, holding Kahlua; Miyabi injected his own blood into Kahlua to save her life, since she was "too innocent". Kiria explains Hokuto was already badly injured when he left Yokai Academy, but has now fallen into a coma because he kept pushing himself. Kiria and Kuyo think about Miyabi's plan, going on to think that while he wasn't a villain himself, he played the part to lead others down that path. Kuyo explains that Miyabi's final orders were to support Kiria, who decides to rebuild Fairy Tale to get revenge on Tsukune for taking the two people most important to him: Miyabi and Hokuto.
Working Towards the Future Arc[]
There's Still Hope
A new day has arrived and Tsukune is being picked up by the bus driver. The bus driver asks him if he made up his mind either by staying in the Human World or the Monster World and goes on by saying now that humans know about their existence it will be harder to coexist. The bus driver gives Tsukune a message from Mikogami about Tsukune being Mikogami's successor and if he had what it takes he should come reminding Tsukune about Yokai Academy being a scary place like it was on his first day of school. This causes Tsukune to remember when he first met Moka and she sucked his blood. Tsukune aboards the bus saying that the school is his life now. Tsukune is happily greeted by Moka and their friends and they head back to Yokai Academy in hopes that they can still make humans and monsters live together peacefully.
After all the chaos Alucard caused in Japan, the human race has reactived negatively to the truth that monsters exist. Though there may be exceptions with humans that befriended monsters before knowing the truth; San is such an example as she still lives with Marin. Among many articales covering the shocking news, one calls for extraditing any monsters who are residents. Adding onto the bad news, Fairy Tale has also been rebuilt, with Kiria in charge; his first order of business is trying to kill Tsukune, one of the major threats to the organization, via offering a major reward for his assassination.
Things at Yokai haven't changed much, except for Moka; she acts more like Outer Moka now, but is still stubborn. Fangfang has also joined the Newspaper Club, and Koko has become much calmer. Tsukune and Moka meet with her father, Issa Shuzen, who had been imprisoned by Gyukuro after her coup deta; Issa has been running around Japan to rebuild the Shuzen family. As usual, the rest of the News Club cause chaos for them, but are stopped by the Bus Driver; he has hired Issa to train Tsukune for the future position as Headmaster of Yokai Academy.
During a training session, Tsukune is told by Issa that he was a polygamist (one of the reasons he decided to help Tsukune), and really messed things up with Gyokuro and Akasha. He further explains the one who disappeared was his wife; the soul of Outer Moka that Tsukune had come to know is still inside Moka, growing slowly and won't truly fade away so long as he remembers her.
Tsukune meets with his friends, heading to the human world to enjoy some tea at a cafe. However, Moka ends up biting him and drinking his blood, much to the annoyance of the others since she broke her promise of only drinking his blood once a week.