Rosario + Vampire Wiki


Ageha Kurono[]

Ageha is Kurumu's mother whom she bares a striking resemblance to except the main difference that sets her appearance and her mother's apart is that Kurumu has much straighter and shorter hair (not as wavy or as long) and wears it with a headband over it rather than letting it all down naturally.

Love Interests[]

Tsukune Aono[]

After Moka (unintentionally) ruined her plans to enslave all the boys at the academy, Kurumu planned to prove that she couldn't lose to Moka by stealing Tsukune's heart. Because of his feelings for Moka, Kurumu failed to seduce him. Enraged by this, she decided to kill him instead, but was stopped when Moka intervened. Before the Vampire could seriously injure her, Tsukune stood in her way and defended Kurumu. Touched by this noble act, Kurumu became convinced that Tsukune was her "mate of fate", and planned to win his heart without the use of her powers.

Seeing she ultimately can't win his heart, Kurumu decides to make do with entering his dreams and re-writing them into fantasies of them being happily married (with the future intent to have a child with him this way as long as Moka gives the okay); proving a succubus can live off superficial love..


Moka Akashiya[]

Kurumu and Moka used to be friends, but every time when they see their love interest Tsukune Aono, Moka dislikes her with Tsukune a lot because she’s always teases and bullying Moka that makes her felt heartbroken and irritated.
