Rosario + Vampire Wiki

Powers and Abilities[]


  • Succubus Physiology: As a succubus Kurumu possesses abilities that induce illusions and lust allowing her put many monsters and humans under her control. She also possesses basic yokai abilities such as enhanced physical prowess and other ones unique to her kind. Though as a yokai of love and lust if her heart is broken after falling in love herself then she could potentially die.
  • Flight: As a Succubus, Kurumu possesses wings that give her the natural ability of flight.
  • Enhanced Strength: Kurumu has notable strength, being able to slice trees in half with her claws and carry multiple people at once. After training for a month to fight against Fairy Tale, Kurumu can easily slice through metal guns and easily defeat the grunts of the organization. When under belief that Ginei took her virginity from Mizore's prank, Kurumu nearly killed the werewolf with attacks that left him a bloody mess before Mizore stopped her.
  • Enhanced Speed and Reflexes: Kurumu has shown to be fast enough to defeat several enemies at once. Her speed after training allowed her outpace most of the grunts of Fairy Tale and slice apart their weapons before they were able to react. She has been able to react to a barrage of gunfire from a fairy Tale Soldier. Her reflexes are heightened after her training that she was able to immediately cast an illusion of herself when Akua attempted to kill her in the Floating Garden.
  • Enhanced Durability and Endurance: The tissues and bones of Kurumu's body are considerably stronger and more resistant than those of ordinary humans or lower yokai. This is shown when she survives attacks coming from powerful vampires such as Moka, Kahula, and Akua. In fact even before her training, Kurumu possessed enough durability to force her way through a powerful barrier casted by Touhou Fuhai which he noted is capable of killing almost any yokai attempting to force their way in or out of it to reach Tsukune, something Fuhai complemented her for though she was still moderately injured from the attempt.
  • Enhanced Stamina: Kurumu's musculature produces considerably less fatigue toxins than the musculature of ordinary humans or lower yokai, allowing her to stay physically active for longer periods of time. This is shown when she and Mizore engaged Kahula Shuzen even after being defeated and severely injured by Akua which Moka noted that she didn't fully recover at all and was just ignoring her injuries. Despite being further injured by Kahula in her second release state, Kurumu and Mizore still had the strength to douse the vampire with holy water thus weakening her for Kokoa to finish off. Her stamina is also shown when she utilizes her mind entering ability (that she notes is a taxing ability of the succubus) to forcibly enter Moka's mind to retrieve Touhou Fuhai, Tsukune, and Mizore for a considerable amount of time. Though she did collapsed in exhaustion and lost consciousness for a few hours after depleting her energy from this.
  • Allure and Illusions: Being a succubus, Kurumu possesses powers of Allure,which she can use to hypnotize males. This technique, however, only seems to last a few minutes. Kurumu can also use Illusions, displaying the ability to affect an entire crowd of males with her Allure. Her allure eventually grew strong enough to hypnotized Tsukune for several hours. Her illusions also became strong enough after her training to be able to trick even Akua Shuzen into thinking that she killed Kurumu with her initial surprise attack.
  • Telescopic Claws: Kurumu can grow claws out from her fingers that can easily cut through trees and enemies with ease. After training for a month her claws became sharp and strong enough to easily slice through metal guns and weapons.
  • Mind Entering: Recently, she has shown her ability to travel into people's minds via her tail. It's revealed that she can't stay in the dream too long or it will exhaust her body. Later, she shows that she can enter a person's mind with a kiss, like she did with Tsukune to bring his soul back when he was consumed by his Shinso blood.


  • Expert Hand-to-Hand Combatant: Kurumu mainly relies on her claws to defeat most of her enemies in fight and thus did not show much skills. After training with Mizore for the purpose of defeating Moka to gain Tsukune's affections she exhibited greater skills in being able to fight adequately better against Moka than before though was still defeated. After training under Ginei for a month her skills developed even further being able to utilize acrobatic movements with her claws to easily defeat multiple grunts of Fairy Tale and managed to hold out against Akua Shuzen with Mizore for some time before being easily defeated.
  • Teamworker: Due to their mutual rivalry with Moka, Kurumu decide to train with Mizore to form powerful combinations of their illusions and ice. In fact out of all the newspaper club members, she and Mizore are the most seen pair in any sort of activity right behind Tsukune and Moka. Their teamwork are as such that after training for a month Akua Shuzen herself admitted that their combination was powerful enough to defeat almost any of the sub-division leaders of Fairy Tale though she defeated them with ease.


  • Partner Techniques: Due to their mutual rivalry with Moka, she and Mizore made various combination attacks in order to defeat Moka and eventually it became powerful to contend with Akua Shuzen for some time and played a role in defeating Kahula Shuzen.
  • White and Black Duet, Number 3: After Kurumu has transformed into her true form, she will pick up Mizore before twirling around. As this happens, Mizore seems to release a barrage of ice shards from her Ice Claws.
  • White and Black Duet, Number 9: After appearing behind a target, Kurumu and Mizore will both slice him/her with their claws and launch the target into the air. Based on what Mizore said, they had waited a long time to use this against Inner Moka.(English Translation of Manga called this duet "Anti-Reverse Moka Esoteric")
  • White and Black Duet, Number 13: Last Waltz: After clasping hands with Kurumu, ice will begin to form in the air above a target. It quickly forms into a good-sized piece of sharpened ice that descends towards a target. The true power of this technique is known, though she and Kurumu had to jump away to avoid the shockwave that it caused, the ice shatters causing the ice crystals to change into water. It was a attack only meant for Vampires. 
  • Divine Rain Waltz: A technique that causes ice shards in the air to melt and to become rain that falls down towards an enemy. It is a useful technique against Vampires as it acts as a limiter to their powers while also causing them pain. 


  • Baking Skills: Kurumu Kurono has excellent skills in baking, as shown when she made cookies for Tsukune Aono after he saved her life from an angry Inner Moka Akashiya in both the manga and anime.

